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Economic Impact of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane/ Post-Tropical Storm Sandy struck the New Jersey coast on October 29, 2012, inflicting billions of dollars of damage. This report examines potential long-term economic effects of the storm in terms of losses and gains in economic activity. This impact analysis is for all the counties in New Jersey and the 13 counties in lower New York that that were declared as disaster areas by the...

The Earnings of New Hires in Manufacturing

Manufacturing jobs, including new manufacturing jobs, continue to deserve their reputation as good jobs. We use a relatively new data source, the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI), to analyze the earnings of new hires relative to incumbent workers in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing. We find that new hires in the manufacturing sector earn more than new hires in other industries and have...

Interpreting Recent Trends in the US Auto Industry

Contradictory news articles about the U.S. auto industry have appeared in recent days. On the positive side:"Auto Sales Showed Powerful Gains Across the Board in June" (NYT 7/2/2013) and "A Revitalized Car Industry Cranks Up U.S. Exports" (WSJ 7/1/2013). On the negative side, however, we have: "With Mexican auto manufacturing boom, new worries" (WP 7/1/2013). This is a brief attempt to reconcile...

County Summary Report of Areas in New Jersey and New York Affected by Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey (NJ) on October 29, 2012. Several months after the storm, stakeholders were still assessing the damage and the long-term economic effects on the region. To help with this effort, the Economic and Statistics Administration developed this report which provides baseline information on demographic and economic conditions in these areas. This report was requested by...

Broadband Availability Beyond the Rural/Urban Divide

While it is commonly understood that broadband is less available in rural communities and more available in urban communities, a simple two-way, rural-urban comparison masks the fact that there is considerable variation in availability within these two types of communities. By assigning communities to one of five categories, it becomes clear that there is not a simple rural/urban divide. Rather...

The Geographic Concentration of Manufacturing Across the United States

Manufacturing has been one of the major bright spots in the economic recovery of the last few years, contributing more than 25 percent of the overall growth in GDP between 2009 and 2011 and adding roughly 500,000 new jobs between the beginning of 2010 and the end of 2012. This trend is especially welcome as manufacturing jobs often provide higher wages and better benefits than non-manufacturing...

The Benefits of Manufacturing Jobs

The role of the manufacturing sector in the U.S. economy is more prominent than is suggested solely by its output or number of workers. It is a cornerstone of innovation in our economy: manufacturing firms fund most domestic corporate research and development (R&D), and the resulting innovations and productivity growth improve our standard of living. Manufacturing also drives U.S. exports and is...