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Opening Remarks by Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Before the Senate Committee on Appropriations

Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, and members of the committee – it is an honor to come before you today to discuss the American Jobs Plan. The American Jobs Plan puts forward historic public investments necessary to ensure every American has the opportunity to get a decent, well-paying job. Investments that are critical to ensure that we build back better and more equally for everyone. At its...

Remarks by Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo at White House Press Briefing

Nice to see all of you. And it’s an honor for me to be here to talk a little bit about President Biden’s American Jobs Plan. At its core, the American Jobs Plan is about making sure every American has the opportunity to get a decent job. A decent, well-paying job, with dignity and has an opportunity. It’s a historic investment in America, intended to create tens of millions of jobs, rebuild our...