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Employee Spotlight: Charmonique Price

From time to time, OGC spotlights members of our outstanding team.  Charmonique Price joined Commerce 8 ½ years ago and is a valued Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Deputy General Counsel for Administration.

Where do you call home? Waldorf, Maryland

What position did you hold before coming to Commerce?  Legal Assistant with the United States Attorney's Office Sex Offense Domestic Violence Section

What led you to apply to Commerce?  After several years doing important work in a critical but stressful area, it was time for a change.  I knew I enjoyed working in a legal setting, so OGC at the Department of Commerce was a natural fit for me.  I still get to work with amazing attorneys every day, but in subject areas that are a bit less stressful. 

What is the best part about working at Commerce?  The Department of Commerce’s reach into so many areas Americans depend upon is truly astounding.  I’ve learned so much about the work of the different bureaus, and my position in OGC means that I have a line of sight into all of it.  I’ve been able to grow professionally in this position and expand my skills in ways I had not ever considered before. 

What’s something that would surprise people about you? I’m such a MOM! I'm so invested in my children that I have no life :-/. I love to express my creativity through my hairstyles, nails and clothing :-)

Is there a cause that motivates you outside of work?  Your readers might know that July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.  It’s so important that mental health is prioritized and discussed.  My own experience is that many are living with psychological stress and don't know it.  Whether the pandemic caused a surge in mental health issues or opened our eyes to it, it’s important that we support those who are affected.  The Department of Commerce’s Safe and Inclusive Workplace Campaign offers opportunities to learn about these types of issues – not only for those who may suffer from mental health challenges but also for those providing care and support for those suffering.  I’d like to see our society continue to grow in its understanding of these issues so no one feels they have to suffer alone. 

Learn more about the Office of the General Counsel, review employment opportunities, or submit a resume.