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U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves Visits Clean Energy Pioneer Amogy at the Brooklyn Navy Yard

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U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves visited the Brooklyn Navy Yard yesterday to tour the wide array of small businesses and manufacturers that are driving forward innovation in the city, including clean energy pioneer Amogy. The startup is looking to transform the heavy-duty transportation industry by providing a zero-emission and high-performance alternative energy solution using ammonia...

Earth Day Spotlight: Our Ocean, Our Blue Economy

A joint blog by ITA Under Secretary Marisa Lago & NOAA Under Secretary and Administrator Richard Spinrad For more than half a century, communities worldwide have gathered in late April to take part in acts of science, service and stewardship in celebration of Earth Day. At the Department of Commerce, Earth Day—and Earth Month—offer an important moment to shine a spotlight on the global ocean, the...

Remarks by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo at the White House Earth Day Roundtable

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Year in Review: Commerce's Top 21 Stories of 2021

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