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Applicant PIV Training



1.   To introduce you to your role as “Applicant” in the Department of Commerce (DOC) Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Program.

2.   As an Applicant, you are required to successfully complete the training to be eligible to receive government identification, now known as a PIV card.

What is PIV?

1.     The PIV program provides a commonly accepted identification card and reliable form of secure identification for all Federal employees that:

a.  Is issued based on sound criteria for verifying an individual’s identity
b.  Is strongly resistant to identity fraud, tampering, counterfeiting and terrorist exploitation
c.   Can be rapidly authenticated electronically
d.  Is only issued by providers whose reliability has been established

2.    Your PIV card will allow you to enter DOC facilities and provide more efficient access to other Federal buildings.

Applicant Role Description and Requirements

1.   As a PIV Applicant, you are the individual to whom a PIV card will be issued.

2.   To apply for the card, you should meet one of the following eligibility requirements:

a.  Be a prospective or current Federal employee, as defined in Title 5 U.S.C §2105 “Employee,” within DOC
b.  Be an individual who is or will be under contract to the Federal government, to whom the DOC would normally issue a long-term (greater than six months) Federal identity card, consistent with existing security policies
c.   Be a guest researcher, volunteer, intern, or intermittent, temporary, or seasonal employee who has been directed to receive a PIV card


1.     You will be required to:
a.  Complete and sign Section 1 of the I-9 Form.
b.  Complete and submit background investigation forms (SF85, SF85P, or SF86 and associated documents), as directed by your Sponsor
c.   Appear in person (at the location indicated by your Sponsor) with two forms of valid identification, one of which must be a Federal or State-issued photo identification
d.  Be fingerprinted
e.  Have a passport-quality photo taken for placement on your PIV card
f.     Print and bring in the training certificate from this course
g.  Sign for your PIV card and acknowledge understanding of your rights and responsibilities

2.    Your Sponsor will notify you of any other supporting documents or additional information that may be required.

Rights and Responsibilities

1.   You will be presented with information about your rights and responsibilities with respect to privacy, security, and protection of your PIV card.

2.   Some of your rights include:

a.  Notification of how your personal Information in Identifiable Form (IIF) will be protected while being stored or processed, both manually and electronically
b.  Correction of errors in the identity source documents and all decisions based on them
c.   Notification of the disposition of your application status 
d.  If you are rejected, notification of the steps required to re-apply

Privacy, Security, and Protection

3.   All Federal employees and contractors have a responsibility to contribute to privacy, security, and protection of the PIV Program.

4.  By Title 18 of the U.S. Code, it is a Federal offense to counterfeit, alter, or misuse the PIV card and system.

5.  All personnel issued a PIV card are responsible for:

a.  Immediately reporting a lost/missing/stolen card
b.  Replacing the card when it has become unusable or worn
c.   Protecting the card


1.     As a PIV Applicant, your functions include:

a.  Working with your Sponsor to complete appropriate documentation
b.  Submitting forms and providing identity source documents in person
c.  Learning about and acknowledging your rights and responsibilities in the system
d.  Protecting your PIV card

Where to Go for Help

2.     Personnel
a.  Your Sponsor
b. The HCHB Security Service Center or your Field Office
c.  [email protected]


Click here

To receive credit for satisfactory completing this training, and to receive your certificate of completion.

You can also type or copy and paste the following link into your Web browser:


If you have questions about or need assistance with this training, please contact the Office of Security at [email protected].